Children's Ministry
Our Children’s Ministry serves children and families from infants through 5th Grade. Sunday School programming begins at the Preschool level meeting every Sunday during the 10:15 am worship service. They also meet monthly for AFG, Armored for God, where we develop and cultivate relationships, learn about the love of Jesus for us and others, and have fun. We have many opportunities for themed events for children and families consisting of Trunk or Treat, Easter Celebrations, Egg Hunts, Gingerbread Day, and VBS. We are focused on acceptance, love, and grace as the cornerstone of our philosophy. We know that a smile speaks volumes and we look for opportunities to share the love of God. Youth Program
Our Youth Program is comprised of 6th-12th graders who participate in Sunday School during Sunday morning worship. They experience monthly outings to build and cultivate relationships and develop stronger connections with peers. Our Youth Program focuses on building Jesus into our daily lives through support, prayer and encouragement. We are hyper focused on being the hands and feet of Jesus here on earth with mission work and community service hours. Adult Education
A variety of classes is offered throughout the year, some on Sunday mornings and others during the week. Check the schedule for current offerings and the link to the church calendar. |
St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
5873 N. Dean Road Orlando, FL 32817 407-657-9199 [email protected] Sunday Schedule:
Wednesday Schedule: