Aumbry Candle
An aumbry is a cupboard or secure receptacle in the side wall of the sanctuary or sacristy. Aumbries traditionally have been used to keep sacred vessels, books, reliquaries, and oils for anointing. Aumbries may also be used for the reservation of the Blessed Sacrament.
At St. Matthew's, we have a candle flame atop the aumbry to indicate the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, ready for use in worship either in the church or by members of the pastoral care team making home visits. A donation of $10 will keep the flame lit for a week. Please click on the button below to dedicate the aumbry candle for a week in honor or memory of a loved one or in thanksgiving for blessings in your life. To guarantee inclusion in the bulletin, be sure to make your dedication no later than the Sunday before your chosen date. You can pay via credit card, debit card, or PayPal by clicking on DONATE in the top right corner of this page; enter "candle" in the line for special instructions. If you'd prefer to donate via check, please mail it to the church office or drop it in the collection plate, with "candle" and the date in the memo line. |
St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
5873 N. Dean Road Orlando, FL 32817 407-657-9199 [email protected] Sunday Schedule:
Wednesday Schedule: