Click below to make a gift to St. Matthew's; if you prefer to make a donation by check, please mail it to the church office or drop it in the offering basket at church. We are grateful for your generosity! All gifts are used to the glory of God and to further God's Kingdom among us.
If you are making a donation toward a memorial, fundraiser, benefit event, ticketed event, flower/music donation, or mission trip, please be specific in the line for additional special instructions.
If you'd like to dedicate altar flowers for Sunday worship, Easter, or Christmas, please also complete this form so we have all the details about your flower dedication. When you've completed that form, it will bring you back here where you can make a donation.
If you are making a donation toward a memorial, fundraiser, benefit event, ticketed event, flower/music donation, or mission trip, please be specific in the line for additional special instructions.
If you'd like to dedicate altar flowers for Sunday worship, Easter, or Christmas, please also complete this form so we have all the details about your flower dedication. When you've completed that form, it will bring you back here where you can make a donation.
St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
5873 N. Dean Road Orlando, FL 32817 407-657-9199 [email protected] Sunday Schedule:
Wednesday Schedule: